Сізоненко К.В. The intersubject approach in the process of fourth form students’ English speaking skills formation

Матеріал з PSYH.KIEV.UA -- Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки

Версія від 18:35, 4 травня 2017; Julia sabadash (Обговореннявнесок)
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Сізоненко К.В. – студентка Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, спеціальність «Початкова освіта», кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка

Анотація: У статті актуалізується проблема впровадження міжтематичного підходу в навчанні англомовного говоріння на уроках іноземної мови у четвертому класі. Доведено ефективність застосування такого навчання, а також уточнено основні форми організації діяльності.

Ключові слова: англомовне говоріння, міжтематичний підхід, англійська мова, учні початкової школи.

Аннотация: В статье актуализируется проблема внедрения межтематического подхода в обучения англоязычного говорения на уроках иностранного языка в четвертом классе. Доказана эффективность применения такого обучения, а также уточнены основные формы организации деятельности.

Ключевые слова: англоязычное говорение, межтематический подход, английский язык, ученики начальной школы.

Annotation: The article actualizes the problem of introducing an intersubject approach to teaching English speaking at foreign language lessons in the fourth form. The effectiveness of the application of training has been proved and the basic forms of organization of activity are specified.

Key words: intersubject approach, English speaking skills, primary school students.


Problem setting

Formation of students’ communicative competence with an intersubject approach is one of the main tasks on the way to realize the goal of language education in Ukraine, which is coordinated with the European standards of education and European recommendations for language education. The main goal of a foreign language, as indicated in the curriculum of primary schools, is helping students acquire oral and written communication skills in accordance to the motives, goals and social norms of speech behavior in typical spheres and situations.

In the process of teaching English speaking students of the fourth form, an intersubject approach is important for the formation and improvement of speech activity of younger schoolchildren, and plays a leading role in all lessons during initial education.

The issues of applying the intersubject approach in a foreign language teaching and English-language speaking did not become a subject of wide discussion in scientific and methodical literature. In our opinion, the lack of methodological development slows down the process of forming communicative competence among students and affects the effectiveness of mastering not only English, but also other subjects in primary school. Therefore, the problem of introducing an intersubject approach in the teaching of speaking, which promotes the exaltation of foreign students' abilities and skills, is aimed at the actualization of basic knowledge in other subjects, the means of the foreign language being studied.

Analysis of recent achievements and publications

Today, scientists and practitioners are at the stage of intensive research the approaches to the process of English-language speaking skills forming. The problem of the person’s communicative culture formation received considerable attention in the researches of G. Bogin, L. Varzatska, M. Vashulenko, S. Karaman, V. Karasik.

Scientists M. Biboletova, I. Bim, L. Bruner, E. Shepel and others contributed to the development of integrative language teaching technologies in the school system.

In 1970s, a critical analysis of the curriculum was conducted in the pedagogical systems of the United States and Western Europe, with which teachers, parents, and students were dissatisfied. Here are some reasons for this attitude: a large number of training knowledge and skills for each subject; The subject approach to teaching was fragmentary and did not give a holistic view of the picture of the world in all its interrelations and contradictions; knowledge in individual disciplines was not used in real life. The results of such studies were developed the new educational concepts. It was at this time that the idea of intersubject (integrated) education for children of primary school age arose, reflecting the views of many progressive teachers and psychologists of the world, such as the ideas of J. Dewey, J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, J. Bruder, G. Wells, D. Kolba and others. N.M. Zakharova, N.V. Lesnyak, A.V. Teslenko, and others are currently investigating the intersubject approach.

The foundations of thematic integration of the subject content of various academic disciplines were first laid out in the conceptual provisions on the learning processes of J. Dewey. He stressed that the curriculum should not be a series of cognitive disciplines (subjects), isolated from each other, and even more so from the daily children`s life.

In addition, the formation of the system of intersubject studies was significantly influenced by the studies of the American scientist H. Wells, which were conducted in the late 1980s. He suggested that a cooperative or general way of teaching is the most productive in the context of a learning process that is child-centered.

The objective of the article

The problem of an intersubject approach at the foreign language lessons of is not new. However, in our time it sounds with a lively effect on the study of foreign languages in general educational institutions. English, unlike other educational disciplines, open to numerous intersubject links, to use information from other areas of knowledge. Quite often, the forms, methods and tools used in teaching English coincide with those used in other subjects, but the implementation of the intersubject approach in teaching students in the fourth grade is episodic. First of all, this is due to the lack of coordination between the curriculum in the foreign language and other general disciplines, making it impossible for the students to consciously transfer the acquired knowledge into the sphere of a foreign language.

The problem of the intersubject approach in teaching English to pupils of the fourth form and English speaking is relevant, since the interrelationship of subjects results from the tasks of an integrated approach to teaching and upbringing. The intersubject relations within certain limits take into account the joint between the objects both in content and in the educational process. Therefore, the problem of forming the basis for the communicative competence of primary school students, taking into account the intersubject approach – is one of the most important methodological problems of the day. Every year it attracts more attention of researchers in our country and abroad and is not fully disclosed.

Formulation of the aim of the article – is to justify the relevance of the application of intersubject approach in the teaching of English speaking students of the fourth form.

The statement of the fundamental material

The main idea of the intersubject approach in English classes in the fourth form is to develop of the creative critical thinking of the child as a constructive intellectual activity; the comprehension of the perception of information and its further assimilation; the use of integrative technologies in the study of a foreign language in junior school makes it possible to move away from the traditional alternate formation of skills and abilities; move to the concept of accumulating knowledge, expanding the vocabulary, the formation of several skills and skills based on the studied communicative units [1].

The communicative competence formation is the process of teaching a foreign language occurs when information from various fields of knowledge is used. Therefore, it is natural to search for the interaction of the subject "foreign language" with the native language, geography, mathematics, history, subjects of the artistic cycle (visual arts, music), environmental and aesthetic education.

The intersubject training of English-language speaking students of the fourth form implies the integration of various classes of the curriculum with a certain common theme (event, phenomenon, and subject). This topic continues to be studied during various activities, so that students begin to understand the connections between different academic disciplines, as well as real life.

Establishing an intersubject approach, pupils understand and assimilate the educational material better. Schoolchildren should understand concepts and terms, be able to draw conclusions and generalizations, establish causal relationships.

We offer the developed scenario of the "Food" project for teaching English-language speaking based on the intersubject approach for pupils of the fourth form.

The project "Food"

Subject: "Food".

Duration: 45 minutes (short-term project).

Objective: to integrate individual, group (sectional or teamwork) and frontal activities to implement the educational process in the context of a thematic approach aimed at mastering the grammar of the English language, consisting of time, parts of speech, sentences and punctuation, for assimilation topics "Food";

consolidate knowledge on the subject "Food: Vegetables and Fruits";

develop logical thinking, ability to work in team and allocate responsibilities, to develop economic and mathematical skills, the skills of financial literacy – laying budget savings and investment;

generate capacity and willingness to engage in foreign language communication, enrich students' vocabulary;

bring cleanliness, friendliness and striving to a healthy diet.

Equipment: illustrations of food, a sheet for the menu, paints or pencils, models currency (UAH), ICT (computer, smart board, software presentation PowerPoint).

The essence of the project is to create three full-service cafe-restaurants. It is also necessary to divide the responsibilities in the team: select the owner of the cafe, who will manage all phases of the project and eventually will present the cafe at the opening; two cooks who are responsible for creating the menu and pricing policy of the establishment; the waiter to work with visitors; expert in marketing, who needs to create advertising for the cafe. Actually, the visitors will be students of other teams. It is important to take into account that children need to demonstrate their marketing, management, finance skills, be able to create a dish and calculate their price, calculate the visitor, present their project-cafe and others in front of the public.

With the development and implementation of intertsubject training projects at foreign language lessons in the fourth form, it is possible to increase the level of foreign students' skills and abilities, use students’ monologic and dialogical speech, expand their basic knowledge and skills in other subjects of primary school.

If interethnic relations are the basis for solving any cognitive tasks and complex educational problems, then we should talk about using a problem approach in teaching. The establishment of links between the subjects of academic subjects’ leads to the formation of independent thinking develops the logical thinking of students, associated with the formation of intellectual skills. Logical thinking promotes the development of speech, and attention to the language formulation of thought makes it precise and logical.

For younger schoolchildren, who gradually master not only verbal, but also written speech, speaking should prevail in the selection of educational material over the normative literary language. This is because younger students master a foreign language in a conscious and practical way and with pleasure simulate, through the game, the situations of communication offered to them in the lesson [2].

Teaching English speaking can use the project forms of organizing activities, discussions, debates, the preparation of reports, communications. Particular attention should be paid to the development of skills to clearly and clearly express thoughts, to take into account the specifics of the audience and adapt their speech in accordance with the conditions of communication, competently argue their point of view [3].

Conclusion and the prospects of the above research

Consequently, the use of intersubject approach in the process of the fourth form students' English speaking skills forming perception of cognitive activity, creative thinking, students are engaged in solving problems using different sources, find a connection between different objects, thus skillfully, develop their communicative culture. Also, the positive dynamics of the training is learning basic fundamental content of primary education, knowledge and skills in all subject disciplines.


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