Сізоненко К.В. Застосування тематичних проектів у процесі формування англомовного аудіювання та говоріння учнів 4-х класів

Матеріал з PSYH.KIEV.UA -- Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки

Версія від 13:15, 27 квітня 2018; Julia sabadash (Обговореннявнесок)
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Сізоненко К. В. – студентка Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, напрям підготовки «Початкова освіта», кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка

Анотація: У статті актуалізується проблема впровадження тематичних проектів у процесі формування англомовного аудіювання та говоріння на уроках іноземної мови у четвертому класі. Доведено ефективність застосування проектної технології, а також обґрунтовано можливість розширення базових знань, умінь та навичок з інших предметів, які вивчаються в початковій школі.

Ключові слова: англомовне аудіювання, англомовне говоріння, тематичні проекти, проектна технологія, англійська мова, учні початкової школи.

Аннотация: В статье актуализируется проблема внедрения тематических проектов в процессе формирования англоязычного аудирования и говорения на уроках иностранного языка в четвертом классе. Доказана эффективность применения проектной технологии, а также обоснована возможность расширения базовых знаний, умений и навыков по другим предметам, которые изучаются в начальной школе.

Ключевые слова: англоязычное аудирование, англоязычное говорение, тематические проекты, проектная технология, английский язык, ученики начальной школы.

Annotation: The article actualizes the problem of implementation of thematic projects in the process of English listening and speaking skills formation in foreign language lessons in fourth grade. The effectiveness of the application of the project technology was proved and the possibility of expanding the basic knowledge, abilities and skills in other subjects studied in the primary school were justified.

Key words: English listening, English-speaking communication, thematic projects, project technology, English, primary school students.


Problem setting

The realities of the XXI century provide significant changes of state standard of general education. The ideology of the New Ukrainian School is aimed at the personal-oriented and competence-based approaches of teaching children of primary school age. According to such significant changes in education, it is necessary to take into account modern methods and technologies of English learning.

Given the specifics of foreign language subject, a special place is occupied by interactive learning technology. The technologies can provide the necessary conditions for activating the cognitive and speech activity of each primary school student and sufficient speech practice to form the necessary skills and abilities. One of the most effective ways to organize the speech interaction, studied the lessons of the English language is a project technology. In our opinion, the lack of methodological developments slows the innovative processes in foreign language education and affects the effectiveness of mastering not only the foreign language that is studied, but also other subjects in primary school. Therefore, the problem of introducing thematic projects in the teaching process of a foreign language in the primary school is becoming more active.

Analysis of recent achievements and publications

A number of researches are aimed at modernizing the preparation of future primary school teachers: N.M. Bibik, M.S. Vashulenko, M.D. Zakharyichik, V.O. Naumenko, O.Y. Savchenko, L.L. Horuzhaja etc. Modern research on teaching methods are focused mainly on the conditions of foreign language teaching in primary and high school (O.V. Kotenko, Y.V. Rudnik, E.G. Arvanіtopulo, І.L. Bіm, M.L. Vajsburd, A.M. Vetohov, N.D. Gal'skova, V.І. Gatal's'ka, Ju.Z. Dushejna, V.K. D'jachenko, L.Ja. Zenja, І.O. Zimnja і T.E. Saharova, V.V. Kopilova, N.F. Korjakovceva, Z.M. Nіkіtenko, S.Ju. Nіkolajeva, Є.S. Polat, P.V. Sisojev etc.). However, the issue of applying modern technologies for teaching foreign languages and project technology in primary school has not yet become a subject of wide discussion in the scientific literature.

The objective of the article

The problem of an interthematic approach at the foreign language lessons of is not new. However, in our time it sounds with a lively effect on the study of foreign languages in general educational institutions. English, unlike other educational disciplines, open to numerous intersubject links, to use information from other areas of knowledge. Quite often, the forms, methods and tools used in teaching English coincide with those used in other subjects, but the implementation of the intersubject approach in teaching students in the fourth grade is episodic [4].

The formulation of the purpose of the article is to justify the effectiveness of the application of thematic projects in the process of forming an English-speaking listening and speaking of fourth form students’.

The statement of the fundamental material

Now in pedagogy there is an active implementation of new forms and methods of teaching students, one of the most promising components of the educational process is the project activity. The project technology is becoming widespread in the educational system of different countries, as it practically provides the demand for the development of competencies that are characteristic of the progressive society of the XXI century: multicultural, speech, information and social.

Humans are programmed to speak before they learn to read and write. In any given, human beings spend much more time interacting orally with language rather than using it in its written form. Speaking is the most important skill because it is one of the abilities that is needed to perform a conversation. English speaking is not an easy task because speakers should know many significant components like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Learners should have enough English speaking ability in order to communicate easily and effectively with other people [6].

At the lessons of a foreign language, it is possible to implement various types of learning activities that are based on research in cooperation and integration with various academic subjects, as well as the individual approach and creativity of each student. This will ensure the efficiency of absorption of acquired knowledge, speaking and listening skills. Listening is a practical process connected with the opinion, aimed at perception, recognition and understanding each time of new voice messages; it involves combining certain skills, using them with respect to the situation, all the time changing. Unlike listening, which is a receptive activity, speaking is a productive kind, the result of what is said. Speaking is a process that is provided by communication in dialogical and monologic forms. Speaking as one of the types of human activity has participants, a motivated goal, content, subject and product [2].

During the English-speaking educational process, listening is aimed at developing the ability of students to orientate and interact in the speech environment. This implies the formation of children's ability to perceive and understand the content of auditory texts: educational and authentic. Speaking involves the realization of the skills acquired by the students to solve communicative tasks: about something (someone) to communicate, to tell, to describe something (someone), express his attitude to what he has heard (read), to conduct a conversation with the use of familiar linguistic material.

You can process any topic in the English language lesson on technology projects. During the first lesson in the study of a new topic, the themes of future projects are always announced. After the diagnostics students join in groups or pairs of interests and start working, if it is group or pair work. In each group, children have their duties: information collector, illustrator, designer, editor. If this is individual students independently choose the form of the project work. A specific feature of projects of any type is that the fulfillment of tasks in the course of the implementation of the project activity is designed to ensure the consistent structuring of verbal communication of junior schoolchildren at all levels of this process (receptive, reproductive, reproductive-productive, productive). As a consequence, students are constantly in a communicative mode and their interest in performing these tasks does not disappear [1].

Implementation of the project work in primary schools motivates students to study both speech and writing. The implementation of various educational projects makes it possible to realize not only the educational tasks facing the teacher, but also educational ones. Students can look at themselves and realities of their daily lives, history, culture of their country. In addition, there is an opportunity to learn about the life of the country of the studied language. Moreover, interdisciplinary connections, traced in each studied topic, contributes to a broader view of the problems of nature, history, modern society and life. All this, in the final analysis, is intended to integrate a set of modern approaches to learning.

We offer the developed scenario of the «My dream’s room» project for teaching English-language speaking based on the intersubject approach for of fourth form students’.

The project «My dream’s room»

Duration: 45 minutes (short-term project).

Objective: to integrate individual, group (sectional or teamwork) and frontal activities to implement the educational process in the context of a thematic approach, aimed at the assimilation of prepositions of place in the English language;

develop logical thinking, ability to work in team and allocate responsibilities, develop geographical skills (definition of the sides of the horizon, and scale) generate capacity and willingness to engage in foreign language communication, enrich students' vocabulary;

nurture neatness, friendliness and aesthetic taste among students.

Equipment: room layout, glue, illustrations, furniture and decor (signed on the reverse side), colored pencils or markers, information and communication technology (computer, smart board, software: PowerPoint presentation).

The essence of the project is to create a dream room, taking into account the wishes of each member of the team. At the lesson, students prepare clippings from newspapers and magazines or photographs of various furniture and home decor. Then they create their own room and prepare for the presentation. During the demonstration, students should specify the geographical direction: on which side the windows in the room (north, south, west and east) scale (1cm: 1m), count the number of objects and name them using the prepositions of the place. After each student must analyze the information he has heard, choose the best room in his opinion and talk about it, arguing why and how he liked it, reproducing the received information.

The project technology completely directs the primary school students to solve theoretical problems in a foreign language, increasing attention to speaking and listening skills, which ensures the use of acquired experience in everyday life situations.

Conclusion and the prospects of the above research

The thematic projects teaching effectively influences the learning of a foreign language by students of the fourth grade, it is personally oriented, allows you to learn from your own experience and the experience of others in a specific task, gives pleasure to students who see the results of their own work. The use of thematic projects in the process of teaching English forms the skills of speaking and listening, and also broadens the basic knowledge and skills of students in other subjects that are taught in primary school.


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