Загладько Т.А. The use of Microsoft office 365 and Google classroom in the process of fourth form students` English language reading skills formation
Матеріал з PSYH.KIEV.UA -- Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки
Загладько Т.А. – студентка Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, спеціальність «Початкова освіта», кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка
Анотація: У статті обґрунтовано ефективність застосування хмарної технології Microsoft office 365 та створення віртуального класу в ресурсі Google Classroom у процесі формування англомовних навичок читання учнів 4-го класу за допомогою автентичних текстів. Охарактеризовано переваги застосування вищезазначених сервісів для навчання англомовного читання учнів 4-го класу на основі автентичних текстів. Подано алгоритм роботи у віртуальному класі з навчання англомовного читання учнів четвертого класу.
Ключові слова: інтернет технологія, хмарна технологія, читання, англійська мова, початкова школа, молодший школяр.
Аннотация: В статье обоснована эффективность применения облачной технологии Microsoft office 365 и создание виртуального класса в ресурсе Google Classroom в процессе формирования англоязычных навыков чтения учащихся 4-го класса с помощью аутентичных текстов. Охарактеризованы преимущества применения вышеупомянутых сервисов для обучения англоязычного чтения учащихся 4 класса на основе аутентичных текстов. Представлен алгоритм работы в виртуальном классе по обучению англоязычного чтения учащихся 4-го класса.
Ключевые слова: интернет технология, облачная технология, чтения, английский язык, начальная школа, младший школьник.
Annotation: This article describes the efficiency of cloud technologies of Microsoft office 365 and the creating of a virtual classroom Google Classroom resource in the context of teaching students reading at 4th grade at the English lessons in primary school using authentic texts. There are also a characteristic of advantages of these services for teaching reading, which based on authentic texts for students in 4th grade. For this purpose the virtual classroom filled with materials for developing reading skills based on authentic texts was created.
Key words: Internet technology, cloud technology, reading, English, primary school, primary student.
Зміст |
Problem setting
The mastering foreign languages is a priority of education renewal, which is confirmed and state regulations, including the new State Standard of universal primary education [1], which defines the compulsory study of English since 1st grade. Thus, during modernization and informatization of education, including its original level, and strengthening foreign language component is necessary to introduce new forms and methods of work with children in elementary school. The sing of innovative technology makes English lesson very modern and efficient. One of such technology is the cloud technology. Nowadays their using in teaching English contributes to the quality of the educational process and the development of internal motivation younger student as learning becomes a game in which the student organizes his own learning and use modern means of education.
Analysis of recent achievements and publications
The problems of teaching high school students how to read were explored by: V.Andruschenko, I.Beh, I.Zyazyun. The question of teaching primary school students how to read was investigated by: I.Bim, Ye.Vereschahin, V.Kostomarov, H.Kytayhorodska, Ye.Passov, H.Tomahin, N.Shumarova.
The research of various aspects of the application of innovative technologies in education engaged English were provided by: L. Marska, O. Kotenko, L. Petryk, and others.
The application of information technology, particularly Internet technologies was examined by: N. Borysenko, M. Evstygneev, T. Stepachenko, N. Fominyh, P. Duffy, G. Stanley, R. Stannard .
The use of cloud technologies in educational process was considered by such scholars as V. Bykov, L. Medzhytova, Z. Seydametova, S. Semerikov, O. Spirin. The problems of using cloud technology for the monitoring of learning in primary school were analyzed by N. Morse, O. Kuz'mynska.
The scientists I. Voytovych and V. Sergienko made consideration of the creation of educational resources among moodle for pupils, including primary school.
The use of cloud technology 365 Microsoft office and Google Classroom platform in the scientific literature are presented in the context of teaching high school subjects such as the history of Ukraine and foreign literature (M. Zhaldak) and the computer science (G. Protsenko).
The objective of the article
Despite the availability of research 365 Microsoft office and Google Classroom platform in the context of the application of cloud technologies and e-learning in teaching English in the pancreas, application services for training foreign language reading are represented less systematically.
The aims of the article are: studying the effectiveness of services 365 Microsoft office and Google Classroom platform for learning throughout reading the authentic texts and develop educational content for students in 4th grade at the English lessons.
The statement of the fundamental material
Today, the power of Internet, provides a free access to various information for school children, which should be used for formation of cognitive interests, through directing their educational activities, in particular, offering them a variety of tasks, which were created by Internet services. Provided to such training, namely the use of innovative learning technologies, is acquiring younger students the necessary skills, such as: research, critical thinking, ability to work with information etc.
V. Bykov and M. Pleskach, noted that "innovative learning technologies" - is an ordered set of interrelated organizational, legal, social, economic, educational and methodical, scientific, technical, production and management processes which meet the educational information, computing and telecommunications needs of participants in the educational process [3, p. 5-9]
Due to Olga Kotenko definition, learning foreign language, especially reading foreign texts must include features of speech activity and conscious perception of the work. It should begin during preschool and continue in elementary school. [5] Today's children are children of new information technologies. Their life is not possible without the use of modern gadgets. The creation of a virtual class - is a hot topic for research and development.
Scientist Olga Kotenko also believes that preschool and junior schoolchildren perceive the sign system of foreign language in intuitively-practical way, which provides the understanding of situational speech, communicative situation, and some linguistic phenomena. Consciously-practical way of mastering the language is typical for primary school children. They realize not only the communicative situation, but also elements of the language system, mastering reading and writing, along with listening and speaking [5]. Therefore, teaching how to read should be organized on an intuitive level and precisely for this teacher can use interesting and useful means of a combination of modern education and tales.
As we know, a group of AM’s innovative learning technologies include IT training, which, in our opinion, provide an opportunity to motivate young students to study them, make learning more personal, to ensure development of independent thinking and creativity. Besides learning, using information technology allows younger students to plan the learning process, in order to build the trajectory. That are such a methods, which include cloud technologies. "Cloud technology - the technology, which provides to users with Internet, access computer server resources and use the software as an online service" [5].
One of the most usages cloud technology in education is Microsoft Office 365. The main advantage of using this resource is to be free to use and software packages that teachers and students are accustomed to using, as well as in training and in everyday life. The structure of this package includes [2]. :
• Microsoft Office Plus, which is designed for work with documents;
• Exchange Online, with which you can use email service Outlook, as well as protect your computer from viruses, use a calendar and calculator;
• SharePoint, which is used to create Web sites and internal social networks;
• Lync Online, with which you can create a conference between users of Office 365.
Developed software didactic materials should be placed in the format of electronic content - that is, e-learning. For 4th grade pupils are good and appropriate to use innovative technologies in education. The use of innovative programs and e-learning tools make the development of effective reading skills and interest for students of primary school age.
In the context of the reader's competence and reading skills through authentic texts is to create teaching materials using cloud technologies Microsoft Office 365 and placing them in a virtual classroom platform developed Google Classroom. In the above mentioned resources are placed headings - authentic texts read by students grade 4, links to audio tests (these same texts for online listening), interesting facts about the author of the work, the history of the British people, links to movies and cartoons on selected works, heading for parents (which are reported homework, scope of work, useful links to assist parents in developing the reading skills of students). There are an ads joint board, which provided for students. They can share their impressions of the work read, comment on each other's thoughts by using it. One more interesting device is the ability to conduct online conferences to discuss common reading, explaining obscure words, expressions and sustainable designs. The final product for students is developing their own online bookshelf, where they put their own works of authentic reading direction.
To justify the efficacy of services for 4th grade pupils learning English reading based on authentic texts. We have developed sample authentic texts and placed them in a virtual classroom, developed on the Google Classroom platform.
1. Rubric "The reading»
The list of authentic texts for reading .For demonstration of an example of implementation e-virtual classroom and the skills of reading based on authentic texts we have chosen tale "Winnie the Pooh". Students are offered the English text to read fairy tales on schedule.
This column marks the tests that the teacher chooses to develop pupils reading skills. All the above mentioned tests meet certain requirements set by the technique of teaching English in elementary school:
• Cultural authenticity. Primary school students reading authentic text acquainted with the culture of England. Therefore, these texts can include specific British names (Royal Family, Thanksgiving Day, Mr., Mrs .. Sir, Miss, Tom). These texts enables the teacher to create in students feature of the British people, unlike the Ukrainian people.
• Information authenticity. Students read and develop reading skills through authentic, not adapted text. This feature allows students to analyze the structure of authentic texts structural features of speech, use of specific features, especially for the English expression.
• Lexical-phraseological authenticity. The selection of vocabulary and phraseology is important in achieving the authenticity of the statement. Authentic text is an excellent material for exploring the phraseology that study and work on it. The examples of features are stable phraseological verbs. The practical introduction of using at the lessons learned lexical units (stable phrasal verbs) and their practical application in writing are very effective methods. For example, to find - to find out; to look - to look after.
• Grammatical authenticity of the text. Teachers and pupils have a possibility to analyze the grammatical construction of the test and correct use of grammatical forms and structures. A possible step could be the translation and the comparing according to a construct of the sentences in English and Ukrainian language, and the explaining how to use the grammatical structures in English-language texts correctly. For example, «Bob has 3 sisters and 2 brothers, «The book was on the table».
2. Rubric "audio texts"
The links and audio materials for listening works contain in the above-mentioned section. The teacher fills this section and allows students to develop and change the educational activities.
3. Rubric "interesting material"
It contains materials to help students make a complete picture about the composition they would read. If desired, students will have a possibility to learn some interesting facts about the author of the novel or a poem; interesting facts about customs and signs of British people associated with the writing, and even see the cartoon by the read composition.
4. Rubric "For Parents"
With the help of the category "For Parents" parents can get acquainted with homework for their children, the volume of texts that children have to read, also parents can see the useful links with some advice for developing reading skills of their children.
In this rubric we placed materials for parents with limited access for students. Additional materials are contained such video as: "How to help parents teach children to read in a foreign language?", "Rules for reading a foreign language." Also we added a link to the English text with parallel translated into Ukrainian and audio material for playing English text. By using materials above, parents can help their students absorb the course material better.
5. Rubric "The joint board"
Using this board gives pupils the opportunity to share their impressions about the text they have read, to ask questions to each other and to the teacher, to comment the answers of each other. It helps pupils to communicate and to share experiences about their work.
6. Rubric "Online Conference"
Pupils and teachers organized an online conference, where they discussed educational features of work, many interesting points, answering the questions of each other, give mark to each other activity.
Above mentioned rubric is intended to use communication on the discussion the work of reading 2 type, such as IM (exchange online messages) and creating an online conference between teacher and students to discuss reading. For the online conference, students must have access to the Internet and a camera with microphone for communicate freely with classmates.
Through the system of knowledge evaluation in Google Classroom the teacher can easily check all proposed task and exercises. For using this option you need to go to additional page "course management" and evaluate the students' answers.
Thus, we can say that services such as Microsoft office 365 Google Classroom platforms have the advantage, along with traditional methods of teaching English reading of 4th grade pupils as they are interactive and informative for pupils. Moreover, it enhances the effectiveness of lessons, promotes better digestion and consolidation of knowledge students. The use of the these services improves memory, thinking, imagination, attention, logical speech enriches active and passive vocabulary of primary school children and forms the ICT competence of primary school students.
Conclusion and the prospects of the above research
The application of such a services, for creation a learning environment and for teaching English in primary school is more than effective. Typically, enriched with interactive information technology lesson activates the cognitive capabilities of pupils, interactive activities are exciting for them and it motivate pupils to participate in it and also these activities relieve psychological stress that more or less accompanies any learning process.
Certainly, the material which is presented in the article does not exhaust the subject of research that indicates the future perspective of scientific studies including analysis of capabilities is the use of Microsoft office 365 and the Google Classroom platform in all kinds of English learning activities for elementary school students.
Work’s direction for the future are development of electronic collections of authentic English-language texts for reading and developing reading skills of elementary school students using interactive services for learning.
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