Маханькова О.О. Complex training as a mean of primary school teachers’ foreign language competence forming
Матеріал з PSYH.KIEV.UA -- Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки
Маханькова О.О. – студентка Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, спеціальність «Початкова освіта», кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка
Анотація: У статті проаналізовано проблему використання комплексних тренінгів як засобу формування іншомовної компетенції майбутнього вчителя початкової школи, форми тренінгів з іноземної мови; уточнено дії викладача під час індивідуалізації стратегічного тренінгу; розкрито переваги застосування комплексних тренінгів у контексті інновацій сучасної іншомовної освіти.
Ключові слова: тренінг, комплексні тренінги, тренінгові системи, іншомовна компетенція, майбутній вчитель початкової школи.
Аннотация: В статье проанализированы проблема использования комплексных тренингов как средство формирования иноязычной компетенции будущего учителя начальной школы, а также формы тренингов, используемых при обучении иностранному языку; уточнены действия преподавателя во время индивидуализации стратегического тренинга; раскрыты преимущества применения комплексных тренингов в контексте инноваций современного иноязычного образования.
Ключевые слова: тренинг, комплексные тренинги, тренинговые системы, иноязычная компетенция, будущий учитель начальной школы.
Annotation: This article considers the problem of complex training using as a mean of foreign language competence of primary school teachers. The form of foreign language training is analyzed; teacher’s actions during individualization of strategic training are clarified; the advantages of complex trainings in the context of innovation of modern language education is revealed in the article.
Key words: training, complex training, training system, foreign language competence, future primary school teacher.
Зміст |
Problem setting
Nowadays, the purpose of studying foreign language is the development of foreign language communicative competence that provides communication in various spheres of social life.
In particular, structuring of the school language education content enhances requirements to early foreign languages learning organization as a foundation school curriculum of this academic subject. To correspond to these requirements, universities of Ukraine implement new learning technologies, the most popular among which are: interactive techniques, computer and distance learning, project method. The goals and objectives that educators face today require not only implementing of new teaching technologies, methods and techniques, but also the appropriate forms of learning process organization.
Analysis of recent achievements and publications
The problem of complex training as means of primary school teachers’ foreign language competence development was mentioned in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists like M. Afanasyev, I. Gontareva, L. Krol, I. Kurtikova, K. Lavrov, B.Lee, D. McKay, C. Mikhailova, D. Ramendyk, D. Tyshenko, K. Thorne etc. [1]. For example, D. Kyrkpatryk developed the model of training evaluation and B. Bespalko offered to evaluate trainings according to educational achievements. D.Makkey K.Torn paid attention to the personal qualities of the coach, his creative and functional abilities, principles and methods of teaching the individual and the whole team [3].
The objective of the article
Having analyzed the scientific and methodological sources, we can conclude that works about foreign languages teaching problems are focused mainly on secondary and high school. But issues finding ways to intensify foreign language learning of primary school teachers has not become the subject of extensive discussion yet. This factor retards innovations in foreign language education of primary school children and reduces the effectiveness of foreign languages learning process.
The main purpose is to investigate the problem of using complex trainings for foreign language competence formation in the process of preparation of the future primary school teacher; to determine training systems impact on improving of the learning process quality in Universities and formation of students as active learning participants.
The statement of the fundamental material
The experience of scientists shows that training is especially effective among many methods of professional education. Effective use of training technologies makes it possible to form skills of future primary school teacher that can be used on practice.
O. Skorobahata mentioned that the implementation of specific learning objectives depends on the relationship between teacher and students, formed during classes in Universities. Method of training helps to form skills necessary for building relationships between the participants of the educational process and creating a friendly communication atmosphere during practical classes, providing qualitative verbal communication, socio-cultural and linguistic development of future foreign language teachers at primary school.
Y. Yemelyanov defines training as a set of methods aimed to develop the ability to learn and become proficient in some occupation. [2].
The scientists proved that trainings stimulate cognitive activity and independence of students, as in these conditions the student is the subject of study. It creates the appropriate comfort conditions in which every student feels his success and intellectual ability developing specific issue of lessons’ topics [6].
Trainings allow the teacher to see the students on the other side. If at the group lessons the student is passive, then during the training the students strike with unconventional thinking, the ability to make decisions in solving problems of educational process.
During the training learning occurs under conditions of constant active interaction between student and teacher, which is why everyone understands what he is doing [3].
There are various forms of training in foreign languages. They have been developed and applied in various educational situations. Will present some of them:
1. The training of general skills training. This type of training is mainly addressed to students who are experiencing academic difficulties in school, but can also be used by successful students who wish to achieve better results in education. It includes the study of language as a special course designed to identify what learning a language differs from learning other subjects of their curriculum.
2. Training of developing an informed approach. Lectures and discussions. Also known as training of awareness raising and introduction usually consists of some lectures and discussions, and is usually away from the regular classroom. This approach gives students a general idea of how the strategy can be applied. Oxford (1990) describes the training as an informed approach "program in which participants learn and adopt a common idea of language learning strategies and how these strategies can help them in the implementation of different language tasks" [5].
3. Strategic workshop (workshop) - short workshop is another, usually more intensive approach to language learning through various activities that increase the level of awareness and offer an assessment of a strategy. They can help improve language skills or introduce any ideas that are useful for studying certain aspects of a foreign language. Those workshops consist of lectures and workshops, which are being tested or verified certain strategies to further discuss of their effectiveness.
4. Video Mini-courses developed by D. Rubin (1996) is an interactive video and disc program, instructions are provided to the user, through which a student can better understand the strategy and applied directly to the progress of the educational process, and make carry strategies applicable to the new language problem if the need arises.
5. Instructions based on policies - an individual approach to each student, with the direct training includes clear and logical construction of a variety of strategies in course content. In pair or group work are given the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from someone else. The teacher can personalize the strategic training to offer every individual approach depending on the habits and preferences of the student. During these training sessions, the teacher has to follow certain rules and consistency of work, namely:
- describe the model and give an example of the most appropriate strategy;
- ask the students to give examples of their own based on their own learning experience;
- lead and lead group and class discussion about the relevance of the use of a strategy;
- encourage students to experiment with different kinds of strategies;
- build strategy in the daily course material, incorporating them in a language task.
All of these approaches represent opportunities for training involving a large number of students [5].
O. Skorobohata notes that the purpose of the implementation of the training in the classroom, for example, "Practical Course of Foreign Languages" see in shaping future primary school teachers' knowledge, content-applied component availability, skills, communicative and procedural components of readiness of various kinds training of foreign language primary school children and the development of personal attitude to the profession, motivational and evaluative component of readiness.
Scientists allocate such training’s tasks, which is consist in forming:
- new knowledge regarding the teaching foreign language primary school profession;
- skills to creatively solve professional tasks and critically evaluate results;
- skills to organize positive interpersonal communication in a foreign language;
- personal assessment of future professional activity;
- skills to implement professional features in standard and non-standard situations of educational process in primary school;
- selection and analysis skills of professional action in educational situations[4].
However, in the educational process of the program of permanent workshops a type of training sessions with theoretical training is complex training. Complex (Mid) trainings - is one of the effective means of forming foreign language competence of future primary school teacher.
Their peculiarity is that the information is presented gradually in modules. They are usually three. Between them necessarily is span that lasts 2-4 weeks. Each module lasts 5-9 days.
Medium purpose of training is complex transfer skills and knowledge and develop skills on the topic of the course. They favorably short-term training courses that have the effect of fixing the material covered by a long period of study.
Complex training program is built so that all the skills to be developed, trained on each of the modules. Thanks to the triple repetition with breaks in between 2-4 weeks achieved a high training effect. Information blocks allocated to all units. Value theory and practice of integrated training can be defined as 20:80.
The effectiveness of integrated training in the process of foreign language competence of future teachers of foreign languages is much higher than the short-term. Medium-term training will provide a constructive impact on students of high and medium level of motivation to work. But will be ineffective for people with low motivation.
Comlex training as a new educational technology, make it possible to apply various methods and techniques; as aggregate model of the teacher and the student, allow you to organize and conduct educational process; create comfortable conditions for cooperation between teachers and students; identify skills, abilities and art teachers.
In the context of research ways to optimize the process of formation of foreign language competence of future primary school teacher, we can state that the use of integrated training is essential for personal and professional development of future teachers. During complex trainings the student is not a passive listener, but an active participant.As the formation of foreign language competence is due to practical classes, students can practice in speaking, assuming different social roles. Each of the participants due to the nature of productive training can form a product of language.
Important that the institution include complex training as a specific component of the process of learning a foreign language and to introduce mandatory attendance.
Conclusion and the prospects of the above research
Summing up, it should be noted that the use of complex formation in the foreign language competence of future primary school teachers creates a fertile ground for the formation of a foreign language the individual student. Application training innovation in the context of modern language education contributes to the further development of technologies of teaching foreign languages younger students.
Prospects for further research in the study sees the positive and negative aspects of training as a means of foreign language competence of future primary school teachers.
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