Омельченко А. В. Англомовні скорочення в соціальних мережах

Матеріал з PSYH.KIEV.UA -- Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки

Версія від 15:24, 30 березня 2018; Julia sabadash (Обговореннявнесок)
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Омельченко А. В. – студентка Педагогічного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, спеціальність « Дошкільна освіта», кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка

Анотація: У статті проаналізовано неологізми, що виникли чи набули поширення в міжнародних соціальних мережах(на прикладі англомовних версій Facebook, Instagram та Twitter). Охарактеризовано різні підходи до класифікацій неологізмів. Визначено, що найпродуктивнішою словотвірною моделлю утворення нових слів у соціальних мережах є скорочення, які називаються акронімами у сучасній англійській мові та стають частиною англійської мови і в сучасному суспільстві вимагають їх вивчення.

Ключові слова: акроніми, неологізми, комунікація інтернет-користувачів, спілкування в соціальних мережах.

Аннотация: В статье проанализировано неологизмы, которые возникли или получили распространение в международных социальных сетях (на примере англоязычных версий Facebook, Instagram и Twitter). Охарактирезованы разные подходы к классификации неологизмов. Определено, что самой продуктивной словообразовательной моделью образования новых слов в социальных сетях является сокращение, которые називаються акронимамы в современном английском языке, стают частью английского языка в современном обществе и требуют их изучения.

Ключевые слова: акронимы, неологизмы, коммуникация интернет-пользователей, общение в социальных сетях.

Annotation: In the article, acronyms that have arisen or become widespread in international social networks have been analyzed (on the example of English versions of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). Various approaches to classifications of acronyms are described. It is shown that the most productive word-building model for the creation of new words in social networks is the reduction. So, much words and collocations which are called social media acronyms in the modern English language are becоming a part of modern English and requires to learn in modern society.

Key words: acronyms, neologisms, communication of Internet users, communication in social networks.


Problem setting

English is a very popular and popular language. Today, the problem of the distribution and study of English is relevant and important. At the same time, the rapid development of the global Internet network has led to the emergence of social networks, which are mostly English-speaking and occupy a special place in the system of virtual communication as a service oriented to interpersonal communication of Internet users. The international character of the English language has led to the transformation of such American social networks as Facebook, Twitter and its Instagram application into international social media. Users of these networks create and popularize new words.

Analysis of recent achievements and publications

Many modern researches work on this issue. O. Dzyubin investigated this issue. He analyzed the acronyms and new abbreviations as lexical units in the Ukrainian language. Also, the problem of contractions, as the formation of neologisms attracts the attention of many national and foreign linguists. K. Dyuzhikova and K. Kubryakova defined the boundaries between abbreviation and word-formation, V. Borisov and V. Voloshin describe the formal structure of abbreviations and their relations with deriving units, M. Schlauch, M. Schlauch, L. Sheliakhovskaya and L. Sapogova I. Stern investigate the basic principles of their modeling. O. Letnyanka, O. Senkiv investigated the issue of «Neologisms-abbreviations in the English versions of international social networks» They analyzed the rapid growth of the English language abbreviation in social networks as the formation of neologisms in the Ukrainian language. The actual task of modern linguistics is the study of new lexical units. The new vocabulary used in social networks becomes an active part of English dictionaries, including online dictionaries that synchronously react to transformations in society.

The objective of the article

English is a very popular and popular language. Today, the problem of the distribution and study of English is relevant and important. At the same time, the rapid development of the global Internet network has led to the emergence of social networks, which are mostly English-speaking and occupy a special place in the system of virtual communication as a service oriented to interpersonal communication of Internet users. The international character of the English language has led to the transformation of such American social networks as Facebook, Twitter and its Instagram application into international social media. Users of these networks create and popularize new words. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is an analysis of the trends of computer abbreviations in modern English, the characteristics of groups, types of word formation and ways of translating computer abbreviations.

The statement of the fundamental material

Language is an open, dynamic system that is constantly improving, so the vocabulary of many languages is constantly updated. One of the signs of the dynamic nature of the language is the formation of new lexical units – neologisms. At the same time, the rapid development of the global Internet network has led to the emergence of social networks, which occupy a special place in the system of virtual communication as a system of communication between people. American social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) have become the basis for the formation of foreign language words. Users of these networks create and popularize new words. It is worth noting that the important condition for the emergence of a new word is the availability of productive word-building models. Therefore, the relevance of this intelligence is the general direction of the researchers to identify and substantiate the main trends in modern word-formation processes, which are caused both by the dynamic development of the language as a whole and the rapid development of international social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), which has a direct impact on the vocabulary of the language [1].

Communication has almost moved from the real world to virtual. Beginning in 2001, the new technology "Circle of Friends" appeared on the sites, which became an impetus for the creation of modern social networks. The most popular social network in the world is Facebook with more than 1.7 billion users. It started working on February 4, 2004 as a network for students from some American universities. The founder and the head of the service is Mark Zuckerberg. For two years it has grown into a global social network.

Twitter is the social network, which is a microblogging network, allows users to send short text messages using SMS, instant messaging and third-party client applications. Instagram, a social sharing network based on photo sharing, allows users to take photos, apply filters to them, and distribute them through their service and a number of other social networks. Also, today there are about 200 sites with social networking opportunities, the number of users that grows daily, and communication is becoming increasingly large. They create communities that unite people with the same looks and ideas.

Each of us in our free time uses the social network. We communicate in public transport and in the cafe during a lunch break. Communication in social networks mainly occurs in the process of messaging (SMS – short message service ). More and more people begin to shorten words and use characters in messages for convenience and speed of writing. There was a unique kind of dialect – «dialect of the network community», which people communicate with in social networks [2]. The number of abbreviations used in social networks is so large that an explanatory dictionary can be made. Among the most common abbreviations, one can distinguish those that originate from Ukrainian words and those derived from foreign languages. Acronym is an abbreviation consisting of initial letters or sounds of words in a derivative word. These processes require the creating of social media acronyms. Acronyms in social networks of Ukrainian origin [3]:

Hi, hello, no – I do not know norms – okay,

krch – in short, clear – it is clear, too – also, hz – who knows,

sps – thanks, ok – how much

Abbreviations in social networks of foreign origin:

LIKE (like) – like ok – (o'key, OK) – okay, good (good) – good lol (lol) – funny, hi (hi) – hello, OMG (Oh my God) – Be cute, izi (easy) – easy, bye – pa-pa.

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English is the most widespread language in the world, therefore English words are actively used in the youth environment. For more rapid use, many of these words have been replaced by separate letters from the alphabet, or by numbers when matching sound. So the word you sound like the letter "u", and the phrase "for you" can be replaced by "4u". There is a series of words-abbreviations of the so-called computer slang, which appeared on the Internet and used in everyday life. We can find among them «комп’ютер» – «комп», «клавіатура» – «клава», «материнська плата» – «материнка».

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The information given into social networks is spreading at an unbelievable rate. There was a term like «post». This is a presentation of some information on a topic that is relevant to community topics. Community members can distribute it on their own page, that is, to make a «repos,» or «repostate». Posts can be of different nature. While making posts it is necessary to observe lexical and grammatical rules of language, to use reductions only in the most necessary cases. More often, attention is drawn to the post, attaching to it an interesting picture, an image, a video or audio recording. Despite the fact that social networks are a free communication areas, cuts should only be observed in private correspondence. Unexplained cuts reject users and most of them ignore such entries. In online correspondence there is another new term – «emoticon» («emogram»), which is a graphic symbol. In English, «smile» is translated as a smile, but in social networks it is also a kind of contraction, it is used to express human emotions. Each «smile» contains a set of characters and is responsible for a certain emotion. Among the most common emoticons are:

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With the help of symbols and emoticons, you can not only transmit emotions, but also recreate entire phrases. An example of this is the passage of the poem by the famous Ukrainian poet Volodymyr Sosyury "Love Ukraine", which has gained a great popularity in the networks and in which virtually all words are replaced with graphic symbols:

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Hashtags and online memes are becoming popular in virtual communication. HeshTh is a word or a phrase preceded by the «#» character. It facilitates the search for messages by subject or content. If you need to find certain posts in the social network, articles on a specific topic, you just need to enter the keyword as a hashtag in the search bar. They are a kind of information search abbreviation.

Examples of hashtags:

  1. translations # group of translators # translate_ english # Kiev # courses_Kyiv
  1. translation #translation_agency # english_sourses

Internet mime is an object created by electronic means of information, which quickly became popular due to distribution on the Internet. Memos can be both words and images that are associated with a particular person or action.

Examples of inter-memes:

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Conclusion and the prospects of the above research

With the acceleration of the current pace of life and the rapid development of information technology for many of us social networks have become an integral part of our life. The latest technology and above all Internet communication are becoming a new dimension of life for modern progressive youth. That is why there is a need for a linguistic reflection of new concepts that are massively emerging in the field of social networks. Analysis of the neologisms of the English-language social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has shown that the most productive word-building model for new words is English-language acronyms. Most neologisms-abbreviations have a slang origin, which is included or will be included in online English dictionaries. In addition, certain English abbreviations are transformed into internationalisms. The prospect of researching other productive ways of creating neologisms in the process of English word abbreviation, namely fixation and conversion are the next issues of our research.


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  2. Летнянка О., Сеньків О. Неологізми-скорочення в англійських версіях міжнародних соціальних мереж / О. І. Летнянка, О. М. Сеньків // «Молодий вчений» – Випуск № 6 (33) – Дрогобич, 2016 р.
  3. Популярні англомовні скорочення. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://studway.com.ua/anglomovni-skorochennya/ – Назва з екрана. – Дата звернення: 16.03.2018р.

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